Where To Buy Simply Southern Tees - My Southern Tee Shirts T-Shirts

Where To Buy Simply Southern Tees - My Southern Tee Shirts T-Shirts

Where to buy Simply Southern Tees!

Simply Southern Tees & T-Shirts feature bright colors with fun preppy & cute designs.

Whether you prefer bows and boots or pearls and heels, they have just the tee shirt to help you celebrate what you love most about living in the South.

Simply Southern was Founded on January 1, 2005.  Simply Southern is changing the South one t-shirt at a time!

If you are looking for a cute tee to show off your personality then Simply Southern is perfect for you.

These tees have so many different styles and designs that are just sweeter than sweet tea.

Once you have one, you’ll be eager to start your collection or to start gifting these comfy tees to everyone you know.

All Simply Southern shirts have a relaxed fit and are printed on a 100% cotton tee for ultimate comfort.

Once you start looking through our large selection of Simply Southern t-shirts styles, you will simply fall in love with these cute preppy tees.

Helpful Tips To Take Care Of Your Simply Southern T-Shirt:

**Also keep in the mind that these t-shirts are made of 100% cotton. 

Furthermore The more heat you use in washing the more the tee will shrink on the first few washings. 

For less shrinkage I would also suggest washing in cold water and hanging up to dry! 

Also for the screen printed designs to last longer hence I would suggest turning the t-shirt inside out while washing the tee!**

Adult T-Shirt Size Chart


Size  Chest Width  Body Length  Sleeve Length
Small 18″ 28″ 7.25″
Medium 20″ 29″ 7.75″
Large 22″ 30″ 8.25″
X-Large 24″ 31″ 8.75″
2X-Large 26″ 32″ 9.25″


Where to buy Simply Southern Tees!

Simply Southern Shirts, Lanyards, Bags, Koozies and more available at Here.

Click Here To See More Simply Southern Tees!